
Hello and welcome to Colorful Dust, a fanlisting collective, maintained by me, your ever so wonderful webmiss Vanessa. This is where I list all the fanlistings that I've joined and the ones that I own. Take a look around, click a few links. Enjoy! 😁

Not sure what a fanlisting is?

"A fanlisting is simply an online listing of fans of a subject, such as a TV show, actor, or musician, that is created by an individual and open for fans from around the world to join. There are no costs, and the only requirements to join a fanlisting are your name and country"... - The Fanlistings Network

Collective Updates

September 6, 2024

Well, I thought that 2024 was going to a lot better than the year before..Hell, I thought 2024 was going to be better than all the years before. Well, it's not. It's just as fucking sucky as the rest of them.

Other than that, I'm OK. The fanlistings are OK.

June 20, 2024

I'm still here. As I have stated the last time I updated, the last part of 2023 was a shit show and so was the first part of 2024. But it seems that things are settling down now. I guess it's just life. I haven't been doing anything really but working, sleeping and trying to keep my house from becoming an episode of Hoarders.

I kinda forgot to update my FLs for a minute and some of them ended up on the troubles list. But, they are fine now. I'll just have to set a reminder or something to check on them cause I'm not really ready to give them up yet.

Other than that, I am OK, I am fine and I am alive. :D

January 25, 2024

Well, The last part of 2023 what a shit show. *eye roll* I really hope that 2024 is a whole lot better cause I don't think I can deal with anymore shit shows.

Any who, I've just been working, surviving, etc. My fanlistings are alive and doing well. I actually need to go through them and add some affiliates and such. Speaking of affiliates, I need to go through my collective and clear out some that are no longer active. Maybe join more fanlistings. Other than that, I'm still here.

October 5, 2023

Just making my seldom appearance to let anyone who actually visits this collective that yes, I am still here. :D Nothing much is happening. Working, living, breathing and doing it all over again the next day. ;D

I will say that 2023 was and still is a crazy year. I'm glad that it's almost over and I want to put out there, I hope nothing traumatic or dramatic happens. I don't think I can handle anymore of that shit. At least not back to back.

March 7, 2023

Hello all, I've decided to apply for the fanlisting for Boston Terriers. I know I said I wasn't going to open up anymore fanlistings, but I couldn't just let this one go. I did own this one back in the day and when I was joining a few in that category, I noticed that there wasn't one for this breed. So, I decided to apply for it and I got it.

So without further ado, Here is the fanlisting for Boston Terriers. If you love these cute little dogs like I do, please consider joining. Also, if you have a related fanlisting and would like to be affiliates, please do send me an email or fill out the contact form and I'll get back to you as soon as I can. :D

December 25, 2022

Merry Christmas to all those that celebrate and Happy Holidays to the rest! :D I must say, the last few months of 2022 have been overwhelming for me, to say the least. I really hope 2023 will be a lot better and things won't change so dramatically like they did towards the end of this year.

Anyway, I thought I would pop on and give a tiny update to let everyone who visits that I'm still around and this collective is still up and running. I don't see myself opening anymore fanlistings in the future, but will try to keep the ones I do have updated as best as I can.

Hope everyone has a safe and happy holiday and New Year!

October 10, 2022

Updated a link (http://nerdlistings.info/) for the listed @ section on the sidebar. Nothing else to report for the collective.

April 14, 2022

Alrighty! Noticed that all of my fanlistings are having an issue where the affiliate images aren't showing up anymore. Instead of trying to fix it, I just went with listing them as text links. Weird thing is, it's just my fanlisting affiliates and not my collective affiliates. So I'll just do the text links and not bother with it.

April 12, 2022

I've applied for the Dr Pepper and Diet Dr Pepper fanlistings. Noticed that the Diet/Dr Pepper fanlisting wasn't listed at TFL.org, so I figued I would go for it. I tend to drink the diet verson more so these days. Trying to cut down on the sugary drinks as best I can and the diet version is the only diet pop I will drink and the one that tastes the best.

March 1, 2022

  • All pending members have been added. :D
  • The Gwen Stefani fanlisting has a brand new layout. I love it and hope others do as well.
  • All other fanlistings have been updated too, as per the 'every two months' rule.
  • Kinda bummed that some of my fanlistings aren't getting the love they deserve with some new members, but I guess one doesn't go into creating these fls in hopes of tons of people joining, but rather the fact that they love the subject. :/

That is all. Enjoy! :D

February 13, 2022

Just wanted to pop on here and say, I am still active and alive. :D Any pending fans will be added with the next update, which should be in March. But yeah, I'm alive and.....well. Just going on about with life.

That is all. Enjoy! :D

August 16, 2021

The fanlisting for the zodiac sign Leo is now open and ready for members. If any previous members do happen to come across my collective, and read this post, please do consider rejoining! 🙃

That's all for now. Enjoy!

August 11, 2021

The fanlisting for Men: Bearded or simply put, men with beards, is now open and ready for members! I think I had a little too much fun making this fanlisting ;) Hope everyone who stops by liked the layout. It's simple but cute and that's the way I like things. :D